The Paua Palace

My royal blog, life, opinions and me, it’s all about ME.. Right?

Archive for December, 2007

Christmas Downunder

Posted by pauaprincess on December 24, 2007

I’m sorry I haven’t written much lately, I’ve had a very busy month.  I got a promotion at work and I am working as a full time team leader and Christmas has meant every spare moment I get, I’ve been shopping for the pipi’s.

Christmas at our place is an understated affair.  Usually the kids sleep in, maddening really because it’s about the only day of the year I wake up early!  I have a loathing of waking sleeping children, it just seems wrong to wake them when they are sleeping peacefully.  So when the kids wake, we open gifts. 

I cook glazed ham, I use a glaze of honey, orange and brown sugar, stud it with cloves et voila.  I generally make three salads to eat with the ham, a trifle, pavlova and fruit salad.  The Prince snuck a Christmas pudding into the trolley this year so I have that to cook, even though I am the only one in the family that eats it.

We don’t tend to visit anyone, preferring to stay home, sleep off lunch and watch the Queen’s message, well kind of.  Not exactly an enclave of royalists in this house!

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